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Registered Land Title

Registered Strata Title

Annual Rent of Registered Land Title

Annual Rent of Registered Strata Title

Annual License of Temporary Occupation License

Stamp Duty

Administration Fees starting 02 Februari 2022 (New!!)


Registered Land Title

No. Fee Type Rate 
Application forms
  • Downloadable forms : Free
  • Forms available at Payment counters
Free (Downloadable Forms)

$1.00 each
  • On Registration of any land dealings

$1.00 each
Search on EDR Registered Land $1.00 for each EDR/LOT Land
Other Adminitsrative Fees:
  • Stamp Duty for Lease

$25.00 each


Registered Strata Title

No. ​Fee Type Rate
​Application for the Certification of Strata Scheme Plan, including certification of variation plan ​$20.00
​Other applications not otherwise provided for, for example, charge, lease, etc. ​$30.00
​Registration ​$10.00
​Issuance of title, including issuance of each duplicate ​$10.00 for each titled issued
​Lodging of notification of intended termination of subdivision of subdivided building ​$10.00
​Dealings, for example, transfer, appeals, disputes, etc. ​$10.00
Application forms for strata title transactions
​$2.00 each
​Search on Strata Unit​$10.00 each


Annual Rent of Registered Land Title (Starting 22/04/1999) 

No. ​Land Special Conditions
​Annual Rent per Year
​1. [PERTANIAN AM I] - ​Paddy  ​$2.00 / acre or part thereof
​2. [PERTANIAN AM II] - ​Agriculture , Rubber etc [other than Paddy] $5.00 / acre or part thereof
​3. ​Residential
​$10.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
(Outside Municipal)

$50.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
(Within Municipal)
​4. ​Residential and Minor Commercial
​$12.50 per 1/4 acre or part thereof 
(Outside Municipal)

$62.50 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
(Within Municipal)
​5. ​Residential and Commercial
$125.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​6. ​Flat $100.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​7. ​Flat and Commercial
$125.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​8. ​Commercial $150.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​9. ​Commercial and Industrial
$150.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
10​. ​Industrial $150.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
11​. ​Institutional Building
$62.50 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​12. Institutional Building, Commercial and Industrial
$150.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​13. Hotel
$150.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​14. ​Filling / Petrol Station
​$125.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​15. ​Diplomatic ​$62.50 per 1/4 acre or part thereof


Annual Rent of Registered Strata Title

No. Special Condition of Title
​Annual Rent
​1. ​General Residence & Apartments
​$10.00 for every 100 square metre or part thereof
​2. ​Commercial ​$25.00 for every 100 square metre or part thereof
​3. ​Industrial ​$20.00 for every 100 square metre or part thereof
​4. ​Office ​$20.00 for every 100 square metre or part thereof
​5. ​Petrol Station
$25.00 for every 100 square metre or part thereof
​6. ​Hotel $250.00 for every 100 square metre or part thereof
​7. ​Lodging House
$250.00 for every 100 square metre or part thereof


Annual License of Temporary Occupation License

Code ​Conditions Licence Fee Per Year
8.1.1 ​Paddy ​$5.00 / acre or part thereof
​8.1.2 ​Vegetable $10.00 / acre or part thereof
​8.1.3 ​Cow, Buffalo and Goat Rearing
$2.00 / acre or part thereof
​8.1.4 ​Chicken, Duck, etc.
$10.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
8.1.5 ​Nursery, Flower Plants
$20.00 / acre or part thereof
8.1.6 ​Fish/Prawn Poultry
$10.00 / acre or part thereof
8.1.7 ​Other Poultry
$50.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
8.2.1 ​Residential House Outside Municipal Board Area
$5.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
8.2.2 ​Residential House Within Municipal Board Area
$20.00 per 1/6 acre or part thereof
8.2.3 ​Quarter $100.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
8.3.1 ​Eatery, barber shop, grocery and alike
$50.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
8.3.2 ​Site office
$100.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
8.4.1 ​Store and Storage areas
$50.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​8.4.2 ​Car Workshops, Furniture, Showrooms and other light industries
$100.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​8.4.3 ​Heavy Industries such as Sawmill, Junkyard, Shipyard, Ceramic or Cement Factories, etc.
​$500.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​8.4.4 ​Other Industries
​To Be Determined or part thereof
​8.5.1 ​Welfare Building
​$1.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​8.5.2 ​Playing Field
$1.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
​8.5.3 ​School $100.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
8.5.4 ​Worshiper Building
$1.00 per 1/4 acre or part thereof
5.1.1​ ​Shop $600.00 per 1/4 acre​ or part thereof
​5.1.2 ​Office $600.00 per 1/4 acre​ or part thereof
5.2.1 ​Store $600.00 per 1/4 acre​ or part thereof
5.2.2 ​Sawmill $600.00 per 1/4 acre​ or part thereof
5.2.3 ​Car Showroom
$600.00 per 1/4 acre​ or part thereof
5.2.4 ​Other Industries According To The Types
$600.00 per 1/4 acre​ or part thereof
5.3.1 ​Site Office, Worker's House, Heavy Vehicles Parking
$2,400.00 per 1/4 acre​ or part thereof
5.4.1 Class 1 School - University and Politechnic
$600.00 per 1 acre​ or part thereof
5.4.2 Class 2 School - High Institution, Technical College and Vocational
$600.00 per 1 acre​ or part thereof
5.4.3 Class 3 School - Secondary School / Combine School
$600.00 per 1 acre​ or part thereof
5.4.4 Class 4 School - Primary School
$600.00 per 1 acre​ or part thereof
5.4.5 Class 5 School - Special School
$600.00 per 1 acre​ or part thereof
5.4.6 Class 6 School - Nursery / Kindergarden School / Tuition School
$600.00 per 1 acre​ or part thereof
5.4.7 ​Class 7 School - Day Care Centre
$600.00 per 1 acre​ or part thereof

Stamp Duty

Stamp Duty ​Charge (BND$)
(Schedule 1, item 33, Stamp Act, Chapter 34)
(Schedule 1, item 30, Stamp Act, Chapter 34)
$2.00 / each​
(Schedule 1, item 29, Stamp Act, Chapter 34)
​$1.00 / each

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Administration Fees ($10.00)
Jenis Perkhidmatan ​Penerangan
Pindah Milik Tanah (Pindah Milik)
Tukar Syarat Khas Tanah (Tukar Syarat)
Menggadai Tanah (Menggadai Tanah)
Membaharui Tempoh Pajakan Tanah (MKG)
Memajak Tanah Persendirian (MTP)
Meniadakan Sekatan
eg. Tidak boleh dijual / digadai/ …..

Memajak Tanah Kerajaan (MTK)
Mengganti Geran Tanah Hilang/ Rosak/ Hangus (Geran Tanah Hilang / Rosak / Hangus) -
Pemilikan Tanah melalui tuntutan waris (Tuntutan Waris)
Permohonan sebagai Pentadbir Tanah (Pentadbir Tanah)
Jalan Laluan di atas tanah kerajaan (Jalan Laluan)
Menghalakan Saliran ke Tanah Kerajaan (Menghalakan Saliran)
Permit Pengambilan Tanah, Pasir, Batu dan seumpamanya

Permohonan-Permohonan berkaitan tanah LTS 

  • Penyerahan LTS*

  • Ambil Alih LTS*

  • Penyukatan LTS
*LTS yang bersyarat Rumah Kediaman dan telah dimajukan dengan sebuah rumah kediaman
Ubahsuai Tanah (Ubahsuai Tanah)
Tukar Ganti Tanah (Tukar Ganti Tanah)
Bebas Gadaian (Discharge)
Bebas Kemuflisan (Bankruptcy) daripada pihak syarikat guaman (Bebas Bankruptcy)
Penyelarasan keterangan dalam daftar tanah (Nama dalam Kad Pengenalan, Bil. Kad Pengenalan, Menghapuskan dibawah jagaan dan sebagainya) (Penyelarasan Nama / IC / Bawah Jagaan / sebagainya)
Pertanyaan untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan membuat penyelidikan atau semakan daftar dan pemilikan tanah samada melalui telepon / emel dikehendaki untuk menghadapkan pertanyaan secara bersurat
Disarankan untuk membuat Full Land Title Search (Title Search) - Kaedah 2 dengan bayaran $10.00 / satu lot.
Mendapatkan Keterangan Maklumat Tanah EDR (Full Land Title Search) (Title Search) - Kaedah 2 (No. EDR dan Lot)
Pengeluaran Geran Tanah (Pemecahan atau/dan Penyatuan Tanah) - (Pemecahan/ Penyatuan) (Pengeluaran Geran) *Hanya bagi permohonan diterima selepas 02 Februari 2022*
Tuntutan disatukan dengan bayaran pendaftaran semasa mengeluarkan surat untuk mengambil geran.
Permohonan Kerja Tanah di atas Tanah Kerajaan (Kerja Tanah)
Lain-Lain Permohonan

​- Pengecualian Bayaran Premium Membaharui Tempoh Pajakan Tanah (Pengecualian Premium)

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Caveat - Land Code (Amendment) Order, 2016

Stamp Duty​Charge (BND$)
Entry of Caveat$225.00
Withdrawal of Caveat$112.50
Renewal of Caveat​$236.25
Additional Payment

(+) (4) Pieces of Form G / Form I (Free if downloaded)
​$4.00 ($1.00 each at Payment Counter)

​(+) Registration of Form G / Form I

​(+) Stamp Duty for Original Document

​(+) Stamp Duty for each Copy ($2.00 / each)
      (3) pieces for Form G / Form I

​(+) Stamp Duty for additional Form G / Form I (if required)

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